Wednesday, bin day. It starts with a call from a friend who has already been working for hours. I have the luxury of a lazy bacon breakfast and coffee. I spend time with the guy who tidies our garden and then spend hours, literally, trying to get the RCP apps on my phone to work. This included calls from and to a tech guy with limited clarity in what sounded like a bar. The end result is that I now cannot even get into the portal app. My levels of IT frustration plumb new depths. In the end I gave up, life is too short for this level of shit. I retreat to the shed and write some thoughts and then post them. Time to train, so I get into my gear and return to the shed for a gentle hour of pedaling.

So I close up the shed, change and settle down to tea and a film. A film based on a true story of how a number of young women were killed and because they were perceived as prostitutes the police failed to investigate properly and nobody has ever been held responsible. Tragically the mother of one of the victims was later killed by her youngest daughter as a result of a psychotic episode leaving the victims final sister to continue the campaign. Here we are on the anniversary of lockdown and we choose this film. My partner goes to bed and I am left to ponder the joys of the world, like the new 50 pence piece that was minted in 2020, one of which sits in front of me as I write the blog.

I wonder sometimes about agendas, differences and why the designer chose a geodome to represent diversity. Dominique Evans, the designer suggests that for her the equal length of the elements symbolise a community of connection and strength. A vision then. Aspirational perhaps, but not a reality. Britain got built (whatever that means) on privilege, inequality, exploitation and repression. Cannot deny that such a mixture of toxic elements does not create diversity.

Lockdown, Kafka style.