Cycle 2 Day 7

My night time friends

Bad night. Like in the last cycyle my body, specifically my back, reacted badly to going to the gym. It feels like my back goes into spasm and then aches. My new friends, mainly Mr Paracetomol, came to the rescue at about one o’clock in the morning. I downed a couple of tabs and waited for an hour, finally drifting off for a reasonable amount of time.

How my Fitbit saw the night.

My Fitbit this morning seems to be telling me that once the paracetamol kicked in I got some sleep. Just as well really as I have a busy day in front of me. The first task was to be ready for the waterboard to visit and sort out my street stopcock, my plumber and I could not find it. So having cleared up the kitchen and downed my drugs for the day the waterboard turned up with a cheery smile and air of confidence. Life is full of dissappointments and my street stopcock was one. Having turned the kitchen tap on and watched the water pour forth I waited expectantly for it to stop. It didn’t. Man appeared at door, “has it stopped?” he asks. “Nop”I say. “Mmmmmm” he says and wanders off. We repeat this a couple of times and he comes to the conclusion that the the street one is broken. He explains that a new “pot” will need to be put in. He will spec the job and send it in. Its going to take 21 days. Someone will will send me a message. “Pigs might fly” I think and say “okay I will look forward to it.” We chat about traffic flow and the needs of the workmen when they do the work and he wanders off. I relay the news to my plumber, neither of us is optimistic about it happening on time.

So suddenly the world is my mollusc, and I am able to relax and watch Scotland win in the rugby world cup. I use half time to stab myself for the final time this cycle. I figured that if I did it during half time I would get on with it. All went well and I sport yet another plaster. Post rugby its all chores, I drive to the next village to use the post office. Our local village post office got ram raided a few weeks ago, which demolished the convience store it was based in, so until it gets up and running again anything to go recorded requires a trip to the next village. Job done I return home and buy a paper from the local shop and try to visit the chemist. I discover the chemist goes for a siesta from 1 to 2pm everyday, so I have to return. A good excuse to get an egg and bacon roll from the cafe and while away siesta time doing the crosswords. I collect my drugs from the chemist and find that there is an extra 21 day injection waiting for me. This is a mystery, I have no idea where the second one has come from but take it any way given its good till 2022. It starts to rain on the walk back to home. I feel like I am going to be confined to home for a time.

A little voice says in my head “paint the shower”. Its the battle of the mould. There comes a point when the black cloud on the ceiling of the down stairs shower just has to go. This of course is a project, so there is organising to do. Sorting out, clothes, brushes, gloves, dust sheets, stirring stick, screwdriver, clothes, baseball cap and the rest of the gear required I set myself up for the task. I’m not sure how wise it is to sand paper a ceiling while on chemo but life cannot stand still. I set to work and pretty soon the ceiling is glowing white and mould free. With luck the second coat will get done tonight. My daughter returns from work, assesses the situation and goes to her uncles for a shower. I clear up feeling tired and wondering if I’ve over done it. Time to get back into the world athletics championships and relax a while on the sofa. For me it will be an early night, hoping to sleep and contemplating preemptive paracetamol. I dislike taking more than I need but I need to sleep again tonight.

I am relieved that I have finnished the self injections for this cycle and hope that it leads to a few days of feeling settled. I am unsure if I am pushing myself too much or that I am more tired on this cycle than previously. My concern is that I will get more fatigued on each cycyle as the poisoning has a cumlative effect. All I can do see is how it goes but I have begun to fill my diary again. All the time it is trying to estimate what a reasonable balance is going to be. Fundamentally I still cling to keeping a direction and demanding effort from myself. Tomorow is another visit to the gym.