It’s Monday, again, so here we go again, its up early and first thing to do is to get my antibiotics down me. I do that and check my emails. Bits and bobs done I head for the shed with my mobile office back pack with me. I settle down in front of my shed desk and survey the landscape in front of me, my life summed up.

All the bits and bobs of the life of a letter writer.

I settle down to write letters and cards for the morning. At one point I collect my morning post and find a letter from a friend who has not written before and has just recovered from a nasty spell in hospital. It was a lovely surprise and it immediately extended my correspondence list. I wrote more cards and letters, watching the clock so I could eat as soon as possible. The rule is either take the antibiotics an hour before I eat or two hours after I eat. Its playing havoc with my eating routine. At the moment it concertinas the end of my day so I end up taking the antibiotics only three hours apart. So I continue writing till I get to the end of my list of people I owe a letter. The list was long so some people get a card, brief and saying I had not forgotten them and a letter will eventually get to them. My only interruption is a call from a friend who is in her shed on her allotment. We talk fences and garden rooms with some growing chat built in. Time to post my treasure and have some. I trot to the post box and return to muesli and alpro to sustain me.

Its sods law, when I get to my laptop there are more messages to deal with so I spend time rejigging some presentation slides, and preparing for tomorrows training session. I get to the point where I can do no more and know its time to train. I really do not want to train, I’m not in the mood and its a pain. I get myself up stairs and get myself into my training gear and head back to the shed, noting a frog in the pond as I pass by. I get myself onto the bike, get my aerobic mask on and get going. My body really does not want to do this but I get through the ten minute mask section and then carry on for the remainder of the hour. Its been a while since I thought of quitting a session but it crossed my mind today.

I get to the end and get back in the house as soon as I can and head for the bath. I need the warmth and comfort of a good bath. I select which bath bomb I am going to use and decide I need cute one to make me feel better.

I sink into the warm water and throw my bunny friend in with me and watch the magic as my bath is transformed.

Being in the magic

Its a delightful time soaking and watching the waters change. I read another chapter of an autobiography as I rest until I hear the call to eat. I eat my meal and take a call from a colleague about tomorrows session then it was onto the evenings viewing and writing the blog. Mid way through the evening Tesco deliver adn there is the usual scramble to get everything away. As I write the blog I experience a hot flush, I still get these regularly and they frequently wake me at night. I think I am getting tired of the whole thing but I remind myself that I am fortunate.