Saturday and its a get up and go Saturday. First a coffee in bed that is interrupted by a knock on the door.. Who knocks the door during COVID? A florist delivering mothers day flowers from our youngest daughter. They are lovely.

An early delivery of Mothers Day flowers.

Then its a swift trip to the chemist to collect my antibiotics. I am pleased that they are waiting for me and I return home eager to start getting them down me and start saying farewell to the red thing in my face. My box of goodies basically tell me I am taking penicillin and in a big dose, 500mg four times a day. I think the idea is to blast me.

These babies are big. but light sensitive.

So I down my first big 500mg baby and then potter for half an hour before I eat breakfast. According to the instructions on the box I am to take these on an empty stomach, either an hour before eating or two hours after eating. That’s going to be a pain in the arse trying to get the timing of meals, activities and drug taking. Having sorted a few things my partner adn I drive to the garden centre to pick up a basket of plants for her mum and a pie for us. We take them straight over to her mothers house where my partner delivers them while I stay shielded in the car. Before we leave I have a chat through the window with her. She looks happy to be home and laughed when I showed her how long my hair now is. We drove home and I settled down to watch the international rugby for the afternoon. Two good matches during which I nibbled crisps and figs over a 0% beer. During half time of the second match I changed into my training gear and as soon as England had dispatched the French in a tense end to end match I headed for the shed. A good session on the bike that takes me from daylight to darkness.

I return to the house and find tea ready, so I eat. Its late evening now and I start the blog to the accompaniment of a film wallpaper on the TV. Usual violent ex army father looking for daughter, believed dead but alive, not seen each other for years. Wooden acting for a basic english american script. So I shall finish this and then prepare for mothers, more antibiotics and maybe a bath or football.

Slowly but surely the journey continues.