Sunday and first thing is the weigh in. I was not hopeful given that this week has been a jab week however I hop onto the scales and hope I am under 92 kilos.

90.5 Kilos

Well now there is a surprise, I’ve obviously done better than I thought even given the rowing PBs I did this week. I am lighter than I have been for years. My goal is to hit 90 Kilos and to start some serious weights work. It would be nice to get my arms back in shape and flatten the gut a bit more. So upper body and core work is on the cards providing I can get the goal.

So a big protein breakfast and then my partner and I pack the car to take provisions to her mothers house who is returning from a care home post a hospital admission. We arrive and we change bedding, replace plants, stock the fridge and then I go on a dusting and polishing fest. The one snag is a non functioning bathroom light that I will have to return with tools to sort out. We leave welcoming chocolate in the freshened spare room for the live in carer who will be there for a few weeks. We update neighbours and lock up the house before driving home.

Home and a brief relax before heading for the greenhouse and fill seed trays with pots and then filling them with compost. I’ve now got the potential to bring 200 plants to fruition in my first tranche of planting. I’ve decided to stagger my sewing by a fortnight so that I get a flow of plants into the early summer. I am still waiting for plants that I ordered a time ago to arrive so that I can get an accurate vision of the garden for the summer. As the air turns chill I return to the house to watch athletics.

My evening will be pie, books and Bloodlands before an early night

Direction? Onward of course.