Sunday, a day of rest and weigh in day, so my first call was of course to the bath room to do the Sunday weigh in. so I leap on the scales and Ta Da!

90.7 Kilos

Well that was a surprise, no wonder my personal bests popped up in Thursday and Friday. Go me, I’m chuffed, a little more and I will be ready to start the weights programme.

Breakfast is of course a bacon bagel, a real treat washed down with real coffee, another treat. Along with my usual meds I start to take prophylactic paracetamol to combat the flu like effect of tomorrows monthly jab. So time to head for the garden on this sunny morning. Its time to organise the greenhouse but on the way I am drawn to the bay tree. There amid the green are the bright red wing cases of lady birds lazing in the sun I was so impressed that I reached for my phone to get pictures.

Having wondered at the little beetles I move onto the greenhouse. I move the overwintering pots out in to the garden and tidy up. First to get planted are the already sprouting garlic bulbs. I then fill seed trays with fibre pots, fill them with compost and set about sowing tomato and cosmos seeds. After some concentrated effort I have my first batch of sewing done. Tomorrow I have more seed trays coming and more cosmos seeds so next week end I shall sew my next batch. It looks like my green house is going to be full quite quickly and it will be time to move on to the outside raised beds and start on the salad sewing. So spring and the creation of the garden for the rest of the year begins. Soon the plants I have ordered will arrive and the garden will start to take shape around the abundance of flowering bulbs that we now have.

And so Spring begins
The first valiant few

Greenhouse started its time to indulge and pamper myself on the Sunday afternoon. So I do my nails and settle down to read Kae Tempest’s novel with Alexa playing me Frank Zappa’s Hot Rats in the background. I indulge in a very berry smoothie adn order more. A truly do nothing lazy Sunday afternoon. By tea time I have started the blog, downed my second lot of paracetamol and organised some admin. Post tea I resume the blog, and get ready for Bloodlands and the football highlights. My final act of the day will be to take my drugs and the final dose of todays paracetamol. Tomorrow I get to see if “he who made a pact with the devil” was right.