A.G.A.I.G DAY 330

Monday, its stabbing day. I get up, gather the jab pack and drive to the GP. I phone in and go to the back door where I hang around till the nurse opens up for me. Its the right side for the jab this month , the worse side. This time it takes ages to get that stuff into me. As I loose weight and get lean the volume of drug feels like it gets bigger. Not a comfortable experience.

I get home and have breakfast and a coffee. I solve a delivery problem, send some emails and organise some tasks. I’m beggining to feel post jab aches so I head for the shed to write letters. I finish my writing and strip off to clamber on the bike and give it my best shot. Its a bloody hard hour as I can feel myself getting more sore but I know I’ve got this, the scales will judge me on Sunday, so I push on.

I get myself in doors and head for the bath. I feel shit and just bath bomb the bath and get into try and warm up because by now I’m doing the shakes like a two bit junkie. This is what happens to me now at jab time. I lay in the bath and realise I need to move the car so Tesco can deliver. It’s crap but I get out and dress and go and move the car. I get back inside and just sit on the sofa waiting for food, home made pizza and the Tesco to deliver. Pizza arrives courtesy the efforts of my partner and then just as I finished Tesco delivered. Burst of energy and we wave farewell to Tesco and I retreat again to the sofa to write the blog. I’m cold and shaky so I shall go to bed and try to get warm and stop shaking. As I’ve said it’s shit but I can sleep through this and be better in the morning. I’ve a letter to read and some preparation to do for a meeting tomorrow but I shall take my own advice and look after myself. Pain killers and a warm bed, this animal is curling up and stuff anything else. Tomorrow I will rise magnificent.

This is war, this is medcine, this is the rage that makes me make the effort for the people I love.