A.G.A.I.G DAY 306

Saturday and as usual its a lay in and warm drinks in bed while we chat about the week and the weekend to come. This takes quite a while today with the outcome that we eat breakfast at 11:30. It then becomes a day of chores; hoovering, cleaning, laundry, drying, and recycling. In the middle of this activity Amazon deliver my car cleaning bucket and combined shampoo and wax. The plan was to “do the cars” today but as the delivery coincides with snow the plan goes on hold. By mid afternoon I am ready to go and train. It is my last session of the week and I find I am already anxious about Sudays’s weigh in. I find the temprature in the garage at its lowest this year so far. I get to my seesion as quickly as possible.

I change out of my training gear and start the evening meal. I’ve chosen a dish that takes two and a half hours in the oven so that I can watch one of the football matches on TV. All goes to plan. As the cup underdogs go down bravely my dish comes to its exact moment of readiness. So tea goes down well and we setttle down to an evening of foldign laundry, watching TV and writing the blog. Tomorrow brings my moment of truth and if the weather forcaste be believed, snow.

For all those who face the COVID storm close to.