A.G.A.I.G DAY 305

Friday a day to write a paper for EE. However before I get on with that I need to shake off the after effects of some really nsty nightmares. They were full of Kaffka like hotels and my not being able to find people. I woke up disorientated and fragmented. In order to recover I fire up the appetite with a bacon breakfast washed down with coffee. I park my arse on the sofa at 9 o’clock and lift it up again 4500 words later at 1 o’clock. Thats my morning gone. I make a lunch time smoothie and take a breather.

I make plans for the week end and order car shampoo and polish for the cars.They need some TLC to help them through the winter but I note there is sleet and snow on the way so its a race between the weather and Mr Amazon. Time to get ready for training, its a shed and bike day. On the way to the shed I take pictures of the gifts my garden is still giving me.

I get in the shed and get down to the business of pedaling away the flab.

I am through the session and retreat to the house and an early bath. I use my last bath bomb, confident that the my Lush delivery wil turn up soon. It’s a real pleasure to just laze in comfort and listen to whatever I please. Nothing intellectual today as its Friday and time for Serious Jockin (no g). By the time I was crinckled and ready to re-enter the world Boris was telling the world what crap it was in again. There I was smelling good and feeling well exercised with Boris the dog of doom drawling death all over the place, there was only one possible response to thius, I order take away Indian for the family. A friend rings and we chat for a while about how we are coping with lockdown and the way we plan our survival strategies. I return to the lounge to find TV still on as we wait for the meal to arrive. I start the blog. This evening who knows what will happen, but if the Indian doesn’t arrive soon I shall get decidedly grouchy.

The Indian arrives just as the snow starts to fall, so my hunger gets fed but my plans for cleaning the cars tomorrow look like they are doomed. Thankfully my training session tomorrow is in the garage.

Its lockdown fun time!