A.G.A.I.G. DAY 303

Wednesday; Ooops its 10:20 and I’ve over slept. Not a crisis, just a bit of a surprise. I get up and cook myself a bacon breakfast, wash it down with coffee and drugs and set about doing some work. I listen to the recording of the debate I was part of and then write a section on the discussants contribtion for the paper that a colleague and I are writing. This hopefully will complete the paper and we can send it off to a journal. Feeling pleased with myself I then log on to the Governement tax site and actually pay the tax due on my self assessment. I am poorer but secure in the knowledge that I am out of debt and do not owe anything to anyone finacially.

A colleague calls and we talk about our contacts with the services we are working with. We both have a long history with the criminal justice system so we have an interest in how the system we worked for is coping with COVID. I think we are both relieved that we are not having to face the current challenges. I am saved from the wet and windy elements by my partner and eldest daughter who bring the emptied recycleing bins in from the road. A pre training smoothie and I get ready to make the trip to the shed to train for an hour. While I clamber into my track suit a friend calls and we chat and compare notes on how we are coping with the current situation. It is always good to hear how others are coping with their real worlds at this demanding time. At the end of the call I head to the shed and the waiting exercise bike.

Back in the house I change and settle on the sofa and watch some football, eat tea and watch the first episode of Bay, after which I write the blog. It feels like a strange day, the rain is unremmiting and it looks set to continue. The news tells me more people than ever died of COVID in the last 24 hours and that people are facing flooding in some places. Nature just grinds away in its impersonal way, without interest in humanity and just continues to do its own thing. It makes me think that making meaning of this life with those around me even more important.