A.G.A.I.G DAY 300

Sunday, weigh in day. Has my diet and exercise regiem paid off this week? I slip from bed to bathroom and, taking a deep breath, step onto the scales.

93.0 kilos.

Thats a down sizing of 1.4 kilos and means I’ve jettisoned 0.8 of a stone in three weeks. So I have earned my rest day and my treat of cheesecake this evening. I take a celebatory cup of tea to my partner who is still in bed after having had a crap nights sleep due to a reaction to drinking diet coke. It certainly seems to disagree with her metabolism. We chat and plan till we get up for breakfast.

A leisurely meal and then we have a face to face call with our youngest daughter. Once a week we catch up and see how we all are. It seems we are a sensible and adept group as we all appear to be coping with lockdown and manageing to work from home. Post call there are one or two small chores to do before my partner and I set off to her mothers house to measure a number of things required by the OTs at the care home where her mother is at the moment. So I now have pictures of furniture, toilets and showers with a measuring tape against them to record the information. We drive back with a pile of mail, junk and otherwise. On the way back we revisit the scene of our embarassing “stick in the mud” incident when I got the car stuck in the farmers field trying to turn round the last time we visited. No mishap this time so we collect fresh butter and cheese from the vending machine and head off home.

Once home its time to settle down to a terrific ice hockey game between the Pittsburgh Penguins and the Washington Capitals. A game that goes to a shoot out, which the Penguins finaly win 4-3. Americans cannot do sport where there are draws so there has to be a result. When Americans encouter Test cricket they cannot believe that we will go and watch a five day game that can end up in a draw. When it comes to a Test series of five, five day matchs in which they can all be drawn most Americans are convinced its a strange piece of English humour and do not believe it happens. It was a strange experience watching Crosby, number 87 play as I sat in my authentic Crosby 87 ice hockey jersey, a Christmas present from my eldest daughter. Its an odd game where you have three quarters of twenty minutes each. I wonder if the Americans are getting their own back over the cricket. Anyway is takes them two hours to play an hours game with all the time outs, team swaps and breaks they take. Ideal for an advertising mad culture. In amongst the breaks there is time to eat tea and indulge in my weight loss reward. Cheese cake was delicious and not a shred of guilt attached. Tomorrow it will be back to protien and smoothies. The later I replenished today and will eagerly await my deliver of flax laden pouches tomorrow.

I have a to do list for the coming week, so my week will start with paying my tax bill, attending to my finances and catching up with my enabling environment work, but most important of all is catching up with my correspondance and writing the letters that I owe people. People, friends to be more precise, are more important than anything esle at the moment, so if your reading this and wondering where your letter is its on its way, soon, this week, probabley. So in the morning I will be off to the shed to write, the rest will follow naturally, but right now there is a Tesco order to ammend for tomorrow. There is a banjo lurking at the back of my mind that is accusing me or abandoning it since I gave it new strings, machine heads and a good polish. I wonder what that is all about?

Anthem for a lockdown?