A.G.A.I.G DAY 291

Friday, and I wake up to a package of curtains. So this it what a COVID thrill is; new curtains. Actually they are consciously temporary curtains until we can get the right size ones we need. So after a hearty breakfast of unburnt bacon and eggs I set about attaching hooks to the new new curtains and clambering about the lounge windows getting the things up. They are pretty stiff black out curtains so getting them to hang properly was more a man taking on a over excited crocodile. However they are now up and the house is complete, just about. Having been of a cautious disposition when ordering them I find myself with a pair of curtains I do not need. I recycle the packaging to send back the spare pair and manage to include some of the bloody polystyrene blocks that I’ve trying to get rid of for a couple of weeks. It seemed like a genius plan at the time, get someone else to get rid of it was the thought and get a refund at the same time. So tomorrow I might brave the post office to hand my duct taped box over. In the duct taping of my parcel I ran out of duct tape, this is a real crisis as I truly believe that 99% of problems can be solved with duct tape. If they cannot be then you have a real crisis on your hands. I take a call from a friend and chat about how its working out with COVID, it seems that this is all we are all doing at the moment as the daily death toll goes over a thousand for the second day running. Making out, making plans, adapting plans, doing the basics and keeping going, that’s what we are all doing. All except the dumb bastards who haven’t got the synaptic density to understand whats going on or too little back bone to face the reality of their situation. If ever there was an example of people not being able to look their death anxiety in the face and cope with their mortality this is it. So we get deniers, conspiracy theorists and the plain dumb, which, in the days to come, will include vaccine refusers. Now is the time for the reasonable and rational to hold the boundaries. It will be science and its application plus cooperative communities that will get us out of this not the mumbo jumbo mob, magic stones, and astrology.

I spend a little while writing a letter, ordering more duct tape, one of which has unicorns on, buying a cordless drill and then I change into my training gear and tramp down the garden to the shed in the freezing cold to the shed. I get on board the bike, get my training mask on and start to pedal. An hour later I am bathed in sweat and cannot wait to stop. My last bike session before I weigh in on Sunday as Saturday will be a rowing day.

A smoothie later and I am clearing the kitchen and thinking about the evening meal. Its Friday so stuff it we will have an Indian take away, I will watch football and end up writing the blog before going to bed.

I reach a state of tiredness were I just become irritated with myself and the world, unable to think, to articulate or be creative. I become restless and distracted. Yet I blog on. Probably not healthy. Tomorrow is another day, I’ll give it another shot then.