A.G.A.I.G DAY 286

It’s weigh in Sunday! This is the moment of truth. I find out if my effort of the last six days has had any effect on my weight. All that carbohydrate abstinence and exercise has been put into the fat boy of 98.1 kilos, that obese ball of lard. So I am nudged awake and a coffee offered, I take myself to the bath room and psyche myself up for that moment when I will step onto the scales.

95.1 Kilos.

Damn I am still obese, just 0.1 away from being plain ordinary over weight, but I will take a 3 kilo loss as a good start. This is the easy weigh to lose now the fight begins to get to my first target of 92 kilos. It also means that today I get a rest day as a reward otherwise I would be on the bike for an hour today. I can also have a treat and that means apple strudel for tea.

So first coffee of the day to celebrate and then for the first time in a while I get dressed in full kit, trousers and everything, almost like a normal person. Well tasty breakfast of eggs and bacon and I get the cars ready to take my partner to her mothers house so that we can collect more clothes for her and check that everything is in working order.

The drive give the car a run and we get to see the world, mostly people-less and very few cars moving around, The world has frozen, or maybe just come to its senses and stopped doing the unnecessary dashing around stuff that it tends to do. We arrive at the house and while my partner sorts out clothes I do all the manly things like check the toilets are flushing, the heating is on and the hot water is still flowing. We collect the post and have a quick check in the fridge to make sure we have not missed anything. I note the grass in the back garden is quite long but that is a March problem. We lock up and leave stopping only to check that the porch light is working on its motion sensor. It is so we drive off for home during which my partner checks the mail for anything urgent. Its a strange experience walking around a house in these circumstances, it feels an intrusion into a life that is in suspended animation, the house waits for its owner to give it life again, purpose. Its like an inorganic pet just waiting to be scratched behind its ears to bring out its true nature. It is odd that when we look after our houses they give us warmth, shelter and a sense of security, which is quite a good definition of a relationship, and when we are not there they go trying to do it. Ultimately they stop. There is a symbiosis in this I think. Since having our heating re-piped and the house decorated I’ve felt more “looked after” by the house and I find myself paying more attention to it, being kinder to it.

So home and I settle to a coffee and an early start to the blog before I watch the local rugby team, Tigers, play Bath on TV. I miss going to the games live. Despite the cold, the hard wood benches and of late the crap results, there is something magical about walking up the steps to the stand and getting that first view of the arena, the pitch, the crowd and the teams warming up. I get all the old tingle of my youth when I stepped out onto a pitch as a Grasshopper to play the game. There is clearly something in the experience that never left me. These days it is a game played by giants, whose impacts can be heard by 24,000 people who wince and ahhhh in unison. That same 24000 will go deadly silent when a kick is being taken for points, in respect for the kicker. People who watch rugby have usually played or have people who do or have, it seems the respect is built in for what the players go through. Never any trouble in the crowd, no fights but an awful lot of black humour and self mocking jokes.

I am amazed the Tigers win a close and entertaining match which takes them to mid table. I had been considering giving up my season tickets but if they continue to improve I may well see how this season goes. I laze for a while until Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald comes on the TV, I am of course only interested in the Niffler, a duck billed creature that likes bright sparkly things, which it steals and “pouches”.

My favourite beast; The Niffler

My evening is taken with tomorrows Tesco order, the addition of remembered shortages and last minute fancies. An invoice for December needs to be written and sent and then there is tomorrows pre GP pre-appointment COVID questionnaire to complete. My day will start with my 28 day jabbing and this month I get an additional B12 jab, I suspect it is too much to hope for a COVID vaccine jab. I’m not sure if the folk at the RCP are actually going to start work again on Monday, which means I’m not sure if I am. I’ve not read any of the teams emails if there have been any, just those from services prior to Christmas, I will have the pleasure of whatever 2021 surprises there might be. On a lighter note we should have taken the Christmas decorations down by now but as it was such a crap year we have left them up, especially the lights up and down the stairs. I guess the tree, the baubles, “the god in a box set” will need to go soon, but not quite yet. I’ve a lot of letters to write first. This tier 4 lark has made me hungrier for the conversation of friends and the exchange of ideas, observations and encouragements. There is of course the restored banjo to learn to play to add to my kazoo playing skills.