A.G.A.I.G DAY 285

Saturday and we need food so we head for our local garden centre that has a cunningly concealed butchers and a micro Sainsburys. We pulled into the car park to find it almost empty. The place has no stock of plants apart from some sparsely budding camellias. The butchers full of meat and no one buying, even so we snaffle the last large chicken and ham hock pie,huge packs of bacon and chicken. We are saved from starvation. Next we shuffle round the Sainsburys shelves and impulse buy things like tuna and crisps. Home to a well deserved brunch of bacon, eggs coffee and drugs.

I go to the garden and set up the outdoor camera I got for Christmas. I’ve screwed it to the shed and pointed it at the pond area so I am hoping the coming days to get some interesting pictures of whatever visits the pond. I will of course share when I master the technology.

In from the cold I change into my training gear and settle down to watch the early afternoon football match followed by a good rugby match. I am presented with a belated Christmas present that has just arrived. It is a metal photo of my favourite Tracey Emin work at St Pancras station. I want my time with you.

Its all really a dis’traction from training but there is no more avoiding it any more so its off to the garage for me and the rower.

Straight to the bath for me to ease my back which I can feel tightening up. I laze in the silky smoothness of a bath bomb bath courtesy of my youngest daughter. I of course check emails, WhatsApp and football results and then settle down to a Spotify session of yoga and relaxation music. Its all good for quite a while until my partner pops her head round the door and says “I’ve broken my sewing machine”. A call to magic! I wash my now pony tail length hair and spray all over with CK One. So sweet smelling I go to do magic on the sewing machine. With a few basic tools I start taking the machine apart, dropping screws now and again and taking photos.

Just part of the innards of a sewing machine.

Nothing obviously wrong apart from a a very small thread wound round an internal part. So I put the machine back together and power it up. It appears to stall so judiciously I give it a bit of a tap, a speculative twist of the drive end and tell it I will let the pixies lose on it if it doesn’t do the right thing. I put my foot down on the power pedal and Brrrrrmmmmm the machine whizzes away. Several checks and several goes later the machine is still responding normally. Genius or the threat of pixies, I will never know. Time for tea and the goodies we brought this morning. I settle for an evening of TV , reading and trying to find curtains for the lounge till it is time to write the blog. Tomorrow is weigh in day. The deal is that if I have lost weight I get a rest day from training, if not then its an hour on the bike.