A.G.A.I.G. DAY 280

New Monday, this is the day to take control of my training, my weight and crucially the fight against cancer. So what’s the baseline. To find out I step onto the scales. 98.1 kilos, that means I have put on 2 kilos in 14 days and it is 18 days since I last trained. I have feasted for Christmas and paid the price. So today is the start of regaining the advances I had made, it pisses me off that I have let myself do this but there is no point in dwelling on it, I just need to get on and do it. I feel quite guilty as I remember those people that have previously expressed their admiration of my efforts to fight both flab and cancer, I feel I’ve let them down.

So I go from scales to changing room where I put on my training gear and head for the garage as I ‘ve decided to row this morning. I have a coffee and take my drugs then brave the garage. Its 3 degrees and I am wearing at least 3 layers. I hook up the rower and set off for a 30 minute row. I start sensibly and soon find out that it isn’t. I keep going and finally get into a rhythm. By the end I am warm and feeling the effects of becoming fat boy again. I recover and head for the house and another coffee.

I get my muesli and Alpro breakfast, note no honey, and record my training and food in my wellness journal. Everything I eat and drink ,and all my training gets recorded. Interestingly there have been blank pages in my journal over the past few days, a sure sign that I had lost my way. So breakfast done I take a shower.

I tidy up some stuff and check my Amazon account to see where some of the things I need are. They are on the way so I will have to wait to do one or two things I have planned. I help sort some of the 1000 piece jigsaw that my partner has started. I get quite engrossed as it turns out that this jigsaw is going to be a challenge. We decide to eat at lunchtime today so that no one has to cook late in the evening. This suits me fine as it will help me to eat less during the whole day. Most importantly I am hoping it will help me to stop “grazing” during the evenings. So we eat our main meal and I get to watching the afternoon football match which features our local team. I distract myself from thinking about food by drinking coffee adn eating fruit. My team draws and the match that follows it has the same result.
I read a bit and watch bits of TV until I need to eat. My Amazon stuff arrives which means I can wrap the spare rug in polythene and store it in the garage. I make my smoothie up with coconut water and sip though my eco friendly stainless steel straw. That’s me for the day. I write the blog and then I will clear the kitchen and read some more before going to bed. Tomorrow it will be shed time and the exercise bike.

Back in the fight