A.G.A.I.G DAY 260

A torrid night as I try to bake myself well and stop the shivering. For the first time since I was 14 do I wear clothes in bed (what a strange habit that is), as I crank up the electric blanket. I feel as if I am suffering from hypothermia and I think that my body has responded with shock to my 28 day injection. Certainly my bodies response to the injections is getting more acute. At the same time my hands are becoming more cramped and stiff and my legs occassional pain me. But last night the focus was on trying to get warm and to stop shaking. In essence I was baking myself. I was expecting to end up having hot sweats but it did not happen I just gradulaly warmed through and dozed fitfully during the night. In the morning at 8 o’clock I notice my partner was not there and had got up to go to work. The next time I notice anything it is gone 11:30. I guess I had a sleep debt to make up an my body needed to recover some strength.

I get up and eat the last remains of my partners chocolate birthday cake and drink coffee to give me something in my stomach to take my drugs on. I retreat to the back bedroom to stay out of the way of the decorators and read a lovely christmas card and letter from my old mentor. I call a colleague whose call I had missed in the morning and chatted about work, football and home improvements. It would seem that we are not the only ones making home improvements during the COVID. I set about packing the christmas parcels that need to be sent and wrapping the outstanding presents. It takes a while and takes a heavy toll on my duct tape collection but it is worth it. Tomorrow I shall go to the nearest post office that can take this size of parcel as the local village one can only handel parcels up to two kilos, Ah the joys of rural life.

While tea is being cooked by my partner I set about getting rid of the cardboard mountain that has accumulated in the hall way. Its recycling day tomorrow and a chance to clear the decks. Tea is taken in the lounge as the decorators have almost completed the redecoration apart from two wallpaper panels. I watch a football match because by now I am running out of energy. Then its time to blog, although when in this state I do not feel very articulate, it maybe a combination of injection recovery and general COVID confinment. It frustrates me as I become unable to express what I want to with any cogent sense.