A.G.A.I.G DAY 252

Monday not my favourite day but I get up before the decorators arrive and enjoy a bowl of muesli, honey and yogurt. The decorators arrive like elves and I scuttle off to the shed and spend the morning writing letters. By lunchtime I’m finally warm and ready for a walk. So the family take to the street for a lunchtime walk and to explore the jitties of the village. On the way I buy stamps for my seasonal cards and post my morning letters. Back to the house for a scrambled egg lunch before putting stamps on my card and returning to the shed to write another letter and to spend time working on my latest jewellery project. Its going slowly and when I try it out it becomes clear that I still have work to do on it. It progresses by rough approximations and will either reach a point of bearable abandonment (finish) or it will break and be discarded. It gets dark quickly and I retreat to the house and take my cards and letter to the post office. The post box is crammed full so I hand my pile to the post office staff to put into there collection bags. I get home and find the new curtain runners have arrived so I get myself up to the bedroom and sort out the final curtain. I’m still really pleased with how the room has come together. After that I get to sorting out the bathroom that now has its new mirror cabinet in place. I throw out all the out of date medicines and cough mixtures with the result that the cabinet looks almost well organised. No doubt it will accrue a new layer of dross as the weeks go on.

Pizza for tea, and then I start to hunt down Christmas presents that have not arrived. One company has had the money but have not acknowledged the order. Worth chasing I think . Chasing done I settle down to write the blog. It seems there is a delay between me publishing the blog and it becoming available to others. I will see how this one goes.

Tomorrow I have a one to one with the project manager at the Royal College of Psychiatrists, which could be interesting given the way the world is. However I shall be cutting it short as my oncologist, “he who made a deal with the devil” , will be ringing me for my four monthly check. The biggest issue is how long I can keep him on the line and get some sense out of him. His usual approach is to tell me the blood results are fine, that it as good as it gets and then to fuck off as quickly as possible. A consultant with no bedside manner is just appalling over the phone. I am not hopeful and I am more interested in what his intentions are for the next appointment which will occur a year after my final chemo cycle. The challenge is to get a straight answer.