A..G.A.I.G DAY 245

Monday! Its decorator day, so its up at 7 o’clock and a rapid breakfast and the last remaining clearing of the main bedroom. It gets done and by the time I am firing up the laptop the decorating team arrive. They are very efficient and are soon under way. Its like having creative mice pattering around the house gradually rearranging the house. I prepare for my work meeting and read through some service self assessments until I hook up my zoom link and join my meeting. A slight hiccup and a moment when there are two of me in the meeting until I cut one laptop off. The meeting goes its merry way until by consent we all surrender and go for a coffee. During coffee we talk to the decorator who thinks we need another roll of the expensive wall paper. We talk for a while until we realise that the decorator had not realised we had bought another roll when we decided to extend the papered walls. We all breathe a sigh of relief as the decorator realises he has enough paper and I breathe my sigh of relief at avoiding paying an arm and a leg for another roll. I find myself getting excited and at the thought of seeing the transformation. If it turns out as good as I hope for I will be looking forward how the rest of the house goes.

The meeting continues and we work our way through to lunch time and leave with our various tasks. I am presented with lunch by my partner and I start to get on with my work. I plough on all afternoon until the Tesco delivery guy turns up a couple of hours early and its an all hands to the pumps moment as we bring in the order and get it put away. Then its back to the office work until the decorator mice leave for the day.

I get to dinner time tired and settle into eating dinner and watching tv, which is a habit I am falling into too readily. Fortunately my hard work today means that I have two clear days to go to the shed and write letters and catch up with Christmas and most importantly to train. I weighed myself for the first time in a fortnight on Sunday with disastrous results, I am officially obese again having gone up to 95.5 kilos. Its tiring continuing to grind it out but I now wear my home made pendant with Back Bone inscribed on it. It reminds me that my back bone is cancerous and I need to have the back bone to continue. So tomorrow has to be another day to start again. I need to remind myself that my cancer does not rest, does not take a day off, is relentless and I have to match that and more to survive. I need to rage quietly and be implacable.

So here I am writing the blog and remembering the message that an old friend sent me saying that she had used my Florentine recipe that I posted, and found that they came out well. If nothing else my blog has given someone good Florentines.