A.G.A.I.G DAY 238

Monday and I find my partner has retreated to the spare room as she feels ill, a combination of fatigue and possible virus/bug/food/alien life form. The result is that she has curled up in the bed and is endeavouring to rest and sleep as much as possible.

I get on with chores and clearing the kitchen. I ring my partners brother who is taking their mother to the walk in centre to get her wrist x-rayed after last nights fall. We chat for a while and then I get on and start my work day. I have a lot of documents coming in and I need to log them and begin to give feedback to people. So this takes me three hours to juggle and to respond to the emails that come in as a result of me putting information out there. Lunch time comes round and passes as I keep finding new information to catalogue. My partners brother rings me to tell me that their mother has broken a bone in her wrist and is now sporting a soft plaster. I later found out she chose the blue plaster as the pink one was too loud and would show the dirt. At last I reach a point where I cannot avoid going and training. Today I choose to go to the shed and cycle for an hour. The weather is cold, the shed has the heater on full blast so I shed layer after layer as the heat built up and my body returned to the effort of staying alive. By the end of the hour I am sweating profusely and I am glad to heave my body off the bike at the end of the hour. By now it is dark even though it is only late afternoon and I pick my way back to the house to get out of my wet and clinging training gear. I get a call from my partners mother who askes about her daughter. I chat for a while and listen to her experience of the day getting her wrist x-rayed. I agree to ring her son and pass a message on.

I change and devour a coffee and a sticky bun before settling down to write the blog but before I can get going my partner emerges from a restorative bath. We watch the COVID update and then I prepare us beans on toast while we eat in front of the TV. Post meal we sip coffee and nibble ginger and plan tonight’s TV. Only Connect is a favourite way to reinforce the fact that my mind is slow and somewhat dim compared to some of those that are brave enough to put themselves on view to the public and endeavour to solve very obscure problems .

So I have an evening of challenge before me but I might actually get to see the end of Assassin Ninja later once Tesco have delivered. Tomorrow I intend to tidy up some work, train for a while and then catch up with my letter writing. I owe a couple of people letters and for me they are important as they seem more than ever the way I most effectively connect in these COVID times.