DVT DAYS 244 & 245

A.G.A.I.G DAYS 229 & 230

Saturday appears to be becoming a lay in bed day till late and then eat bacon sandwiches. In the face of lockdown we decide to scout out potential new sources of food. We take to the road and drive to our nearest farm shop who have installed a fresh milk machine, with a milk shake capability and an egg and milk bottle dispenser. We buy fresh unhomoginised milk, yogurt, rolls, scones and what turns out to be a really creamy and nutty farm cheese. We are pleased with our find and move on to the next farm shop. This shop is very different in that you can buy everything you could want for a horse, goat, pig, chickens and all family pets. This was alongside more farm produce. A bag of potatoes, two huge baking apples and some bits and pieces get taken to the check out counter where we get mugged for a charity angel in support of the local air ambulance. As I have not done a speed course for a while I do not mind an additonal angel for the christmas tree to come.

Back home we stow the new goodies and while my partner sets about planting bulbs in the garden I set about making bread and cooking florentines. I now have my own recipe for florentines which I am willing to share if anyone wants it. The trick is all in the way the baking trays are prepared and used. It takes me a while to get to the dipping in chocolate but the final outcome is good. By this time its getting dark as make my way to the shed to do an hour on the exercise bike. Its pitch black by the time I finish and navigate my way back to the house down the garden, not made easier by the fact that my family had turned the back lights out. That’s family for you. I am in time for tea and the wild excitement of Strictly Come Dancing. At this point of the blog I am wondering what has hapened to the spell checker on Word Press. Its a pain the way it keeps dissappearing.

The evening progresses with some xmas present buying and a strange TV series. I clear the kitchen and put the dishwasher on so that it will finish before I go to bed. Tonight is the night to put drain clearer down the outside kitchen drain to try and clear it. Such an exciting night.

Sunday, up early for a shower, make warm drinks, empty the bins, feed the fish and think about a lazy day getting ready for next weeks on line conference. Post my shower I do my weekly weigh in. 93.7 kilos, I am very happy, this is good progress, my first goal of 92 kilos is in sight. So after a breakfast of bacon rolls we have a face time call with our youngest daughter and talk christmas and work. I go to check the outside drain. Its still blocked the clearer has not worked. Its rod time, except the run of piping the rods I have will not touch directly. Off comes the manhole cover and I try to induce some suction in the blocked length of pipe. It doesn’t work. I survey the situation and decide I need reinforcements and head for the local Wickes, thank the lord that do it yourself stores are still open in lockdown. I find a narow gauge dyno rod and a pipe buster pump, but by far the most important find is some industrial drain unblocker. So its back home and into the muck work clothing to pour a double dose of clearing fluid down the blocked drain. I go back to rodding the length of drain I can get to and slowly dredge out some of the blocking sludge. The industrial fluid works and slowly the blockage gives way and I’m able to pump out more of the sludge. Eventually the system is flowing freely and I am able to hose the system through. So its time to pack up the equipment and get things back to normal. Some of the gloves and socks get jettisoned and the clothes go into the wash. So by 3pm I’m ready for a drink and some of my floretines as a reward. I start getting ready for tomorrows on line conference which starts and goes on to Wednesday night. If it goes well it should be interesting and fun. I settle into listeinng to football on my headphones as I catch up with blog. I do not know where the day has gone, these early dark autunm nights are dismal and do nothing for my motivation to get into the garage gym. I’m not sure how I am going to manage that over the next three days, as my day starts at 8:30 with my monthly injection at the GPs. Last month it knocked me off kilter for three or four days, I’m hoping it wont, but it will be in my right side this month, which is the side that seems to affect me most. So tonight I am a little aprehensive about the next couple of days. I feel eating a lot of florentines coming on and watching Pullman’s Subtle Knife.