A.G.A.I.G. DAY 213

Its easy not to bother, to have another cup of coffee and not do it. And so the distance grows. Winter COVID will make strangers of us all if we are not as careful of our friends as we are of ourselves in this time of isolation, fear and uncertainty. From living to survival in one easy virus. Even the previously easy solutions become risk laden and so we are entranced into doing nothing. Dangerously we stop making the effort and then we begin to think no one cares enough to respond or make the effort. It is this that will eat away at our being and undermine our friendships, affections and loves. It becomes a “the sun is shining but I cannot be bothered” syndrome and soon winter is upon us and we will huddle like squirrels in drays waiting for spring, but in our case waiting for someone else to be spring for us. So today I shall make the effort, write the letters, make the calls, persist and knock once more on the doors of friendship, family and loved ones just to say hello and ask if they can come out to play in the autumn leafs before winter truly arrives.

And if you are reading this and thinking the bugger has not written, phoned, hailed me then do something about, spend a stamp, make a call, you never know the response might surprise you. It might surprise me to.

I now go to mount my exercise bike and continue the fight as I see the postman pass my door empty handed. Later I will talk to others in an open forum full of strangers and people I have never been in the room with and wonder why I do not do this with those I have. Another leaf that falls in autumn before the trees are laid bare in winter. I perhaps need to be more creative but then I need to take care that this is not merely a distraction from what this virus is really robbing me of, and that is more difficult to face. Which reminds me I have two letters to reply to and a coffee ZOOM in the diary, I am perhaps more blessed than most but still need to remind myself to pay attention and make the effort.

In the middle of writing up my forum notes I noticed the sun glinting off my coke can onto the television and where it fell at the right angle it produced rainbows. I took some time to play.

Amazing what pops up from sun and coke can in an idle moment.

My evening was full of football and watching Leicester win in the Europa League and watching a film about an ex Olympic gold medalist turned missionary in Japan having a crap time in a Japanese camp in the war. Now that’s multitasking when you throw in finishing the blog for the day as well.