DVT DAYS 217 & 218

Sunday was spent doing home stuff like rewiring the light switches in the kitchen and clearing the decks for the week to come.
Today, Monday, I get up, shower and head for the GP surgery to get my 28 day injection and my three monthly B12 jab. Back home straight afterwards to a day full, literally, with zoom and teams meetings. In the gaps there are e-mails to send and admin to do. By the end of the day of work all I can do is stare at the TV and listen to the waves of COVID news. As the day wears on towards the Tesco delivery I am feeling progressively under the weather. No temperature, and my heart rate and oxygen sats are good, but I am feeling chilled and I ache, my joints feel stiff, especially in my hands. I resort to chocolate. An early night for me. Hopefully its just the effects of my injection.