DVT DAYS 211 & 212

A.G.A.I.G. DAYS 196 & 197

Monday, letter writing, mending the shed window. Doesn’t sound much but it was all so time consuming, however I did manage to get a good training session in which made me ache and dash to the shower. By nine o’clock I went to bed to read as I was more tired than I realised. Very little got read before I slipped into sleep.

Today started with a omelette breakfast and a challenge, the window I am mending in the shed had dropped so much that it would not close plus I had run out of sealant. A trip to the local Wickes via the garage to fill up and I was in possession of all the required materials. After a bit of a wrestle I got the window closed and sealed. So now it is weather proof but it will not open without serious force which will mean it is likely to drop to pieces. As long as it keeps the winter out I will be satisfied. I turned my attention to the broken oven grill and discovered that there is a company that specialises in elements who could deliver the part I need by tomorrow. The thought of bacon sandwiches spurred me to action and one will be delivered tomorrow. Hurray for the motivation of bacon sandwiches. After a brief lunch of noodles I retreated to the shed and set about designing things to be made out of wax for the jewelry set. I eventually got an idea and made a rough cut out of one of the waxes. After some experimental filing and drafting I got to something resembling a worth while object, or at least an idea. I registered my efforts with CAST and got a code and popped my effort into the provided prepaid mail tin. I thought I had missed the posting time but I got to the post box just as it was being emptied. Home and I close up the shed for the night and settle on the sofa to write the blog, eat dinner, take a call from a friend and wonder what to do tonight. Perhaps a film for a change.