A.G.A.I.G DAY 168

Monday and its the first day of my partners holiday and a weeks leave for me. While my partner goes to the shop I sort out my drugs with the GP. I had had a letter from the doctor I had talked to earlier the previous week. It was a good call but the letter was less well received given it designated the wrong leg as having had the DVT. Cannot win them all I guess. So a breakfast of bacon bagels and we set of for Barnsdale Gardens, all 38 of them. A unique collection of gardens, all with a specific theme or function.

We started at the café with coffee and hot chocolate and toasted tea cakes to fortify us for the walk round the gardens. I found my debt card would not play the contactless game, which is a pain I will have to sort out. We wandered round the gardens and fell into the trap of stating “we’ve got that in our garden”. Each garden had a helpful board giving the rationale for it and some history in some cases.

We walked around and picked our favourites keeping our distance from the other strollers. My favourite was the gentleman’s garden, which combined three areas of flowers, herbs and vegetables complete with hive and greenhouse. It was very neat and efficient. We got round all the gardens and decide to return the café for lunch. They did a good ploughman’s bite, which I washed down with ginger beer. Once we had paid, my card still did not work, we wandered round the nursery which is adjacent to the gardens. Nothing tempted us and it was the same in the shop. The drive home past Rutland Water was pleasant.

Home and I head for the shed in my cycle gear to get an hours exercise in before tea. Hard work at the end of the day. So back in the house it is time to read an e letter I got today and write the blog.