DVT DAYS 181 & 182

A.G.A.I.G DAYS 181 & 182

Saturday and the expectation of hosting friends for a meal for the first time in almost 6 months. First though is to get out into the open air for a walk and some exercise. We have a good breakfast and get ready to go out. We drive to Beacon Hill and after a couple of circuits of the surrounding roads we get into the lower car park by the café. We had thought that we had missed the sculpture trail but found it was still there to be seen. Its not exactly YSP but it is the work of a local sculptor and an interesting initiative. There is certainly scope for a sculpture site in this setting.

We walked the trail and then discovered that there was a tree walk featuring the 27 British native trees. So we strolled our way round endeavouring to spot the indicated trees. mostly obvious but there one or two that were a mystery.

Some of the trees are a bit of a mystery

Having walked the tree trail we retreated to the café for a coffee and toasted tea cake. We sat at an outdoor bench and watched the families that were picnicking around the area. Social distancing was well in evidence and everyone seemed to be doing the right things. I am reliably informed that the Leicestershire park car parks had made more money in the last two months than they usually do in an entire year. More proof that people have retreated to the open air as a safe space in these COVID days. We drive home and begin to get ready to entertain our guests despite our boiler failing. We prepare our dishes and lay the table with our best crockery and tidy up to be guestable. Our evening is full of food and conversation was a delight. It was so nice to be able to cook for friends again and to sit in the comfort of home and catch up. Alas the evening came to an end and we waved our friends off in to the night and then we headed for the kitchen to clear the debris of the evening.

Sunday and we wake up with a “food hangover”, we had not eaten so much for a long time. A four course meal had left its mark on us, so we were rather slow to get up and start the day. I finally got up and performed my weekly weigh in. 95.8, a loss of 0.1 Kilos, not a lot but despite my feasting I have manage to hold my own in weight terms. I need to put in a good weeks training and careful food management if I am to keep my weight going down.

So after a frugal breakfast I set about exploring why the immersion heater in the bathroom linen cupboard was not working. Fuse was okay in the switch so it was down to getting the top cover off and seeing if the reset button was working.

The immersion heater thermostat

Hurray the button clicked and it made the slight hissing noise it should do when it starts up. What was disconcerting was the slight spark that appeared when I adjusted the temperature setting. I left the heater to get on with its work and googled a replacement thermostat. So I new one is on its way and if necessary I will replace the existing one. Success the heater worked and so we maybe without a boiler but we have hot water to see us through till the boiler is repaired this week. I replace the towels and feel a sense of pleasure at the newly folded and stacked towels.

My obsessive pleasure in sorting out the towel storage.

I was on a roll so while I was at it I re-fixed the towel holders, using my tricks of collecting drilling dust and measuring the drill depth required for the rawplugs. The outcome; secure, non wobbly towel holders. Go me!

After a brief lunch we went for a walk in our local park to feed the ducks and get some fresh air. Once again everyone seemed to be doing the social distancing well. When home I settle to watch the end of the cricket before tea after which I settle down to catch up with the blog before watching Strike at 9 o’clock.