A.G.A.I.G DAY 162

I left the blog yesterday heading for the comfort of a bath and in that endeavour a found a new friend.

My new bath time friend

I am assuming that this is a cricket. This of course begs the question of what is this crickets name. Jiminy is a bit obvious so I think I will go with Heyhoe , after Racheal Heyhoe-Flint. Somewhere Heyhoe is keeping herself warm but to day I’ve not been able to locate my cricket friend.

Today started with noodles for breakfast and then before I could escape to the the sanctuary of the shed I was ensnared by Enabling Environment e-mails. I spent the morning replying to enquires and sharing information whilst trying to download some contract attachments. It funny how things roll in clumps after a period of dormancy. By the time I had finished it was lunch time, when I finally escaped to the shed to write letters and to make out my August invoices. I came back to the house to use the Wi-Fi to send my invoices and then trotted through the waiting chores, like filling my drugs wallet for the week and putting out the bins. I popped out to ensure my letter got in the post. Back in the shed I hear someone I know talking on Radio Leicester about new ways to bake potatoes and this weekends virtual Pride for Leicester. We exchange messages afterwards and catch up. Time to train. I change and get aboard the exercise bike and do an hour, while my partner and daughter go for there daily exercise walk. I’m still pedalling as they return. Time to change and have tea before writing the blog, perhaps I will look for Heyhoe again and watch some more Heroes.

Forged in Iron.