DVT 175 & 176

A.G.A.I.G. DAYS 160 & 161

Sunday; only one things matters, the result of the weekly weigh in. As usual I got myself as light as possible and tiptoed onto the scales.

95.9 Kilos

This is a result and meant that I did not need to train for the day. What it also meant was that I was up to greet the plumber who arrived to rescue our boiler that had stopped working. The boiler has a problem related to a strange phenomenon which means it sucks in water where it should not due to a mysterious vacuum that gets created in the outlet system. All it needs is a quick release and the water drained out of the U-tube trap. For him it was a five minute job, which he did quickly and efficiently. We had the “what this really needs” conversation and agreed he would return next week and fit a value that will rectify the problem, he thinks. I love a good theory. For the rest of the day I gardened, rescuing tomato plants and preparing for the autumn. I also found a busy bee about its business.

Oh to be a busy busy bee.

Monday, bank holiday so doing something outdoorsy was on the cards but before we could go out there were birthday presents to be order for Sweden and wrapped for Loughborough. So breakfast done and presents sorted we head for Beacon Hill for a midday walk. The place was much fuller than the last time we visited but undeterred we set off for our stroll, taking in the GPS ordnance survey point, a carved head and a good view.

Having strolled and viewed the country side we dutifully socially distanced queued to pay for the parking and drove over to see my partners mother and deliver birthday presents for tomorrow. We stayed and chatted and then drove home. I prepared one of my famous one pots and popped it into the oven and went to train in the shed while it bubbled away. I have a lot of training to do to get to my first target weight of 95 kilos, it would be nice to get there this week, so I wonder if a kilo is possible this week. I’m going to give it my best shot. I shall watch Strike tonight and if I am lucky I will get a soak in the bath.