DVT DAYS 166 & 167

A.G.A.I.G. DAYS 151 & 152

Friday has gone, vague memories of training, rugby, agreeing with our garden guy to get rid of our back garden fence and cooking beef in red wine. Also a growing awareness that it is nearly the anniversary of the start of the blog and therefore the start of chemo. To many anniversaries for comfort.

Today (Saturday), was a day that got started late, a good oversleep, that turned bacon bagels into lunch. In the continuing effort to deinstitutionalise the family headed for Beacon Hill in search of sculptures.

We obviously arrived at the wrong car park, no sculptures , so we walked and looked at the views. It has a rock outcrop that appears to be a mans profile. I am sure the locals have a name for him but I cannot remember what it is.

The showers were an interesting experience but they desisted enough for us to enjoy a large ice cream.

The size of the ice cream was an accident as we did not appreciate just how large, large is. I donated my flake in order to keep to my no chocolate and sweets rule. Home and the depressing spectacle of Leicester Tigers playing like school boys and getting beaten soundly. Home made pizzas lead to a evening of Heroes. The anniversaries keep creeping closer and tomorrow I shall need to go over them all to write a response to the ombudsman. Its strange how the past keeps returning. However the biggest issue right now is what happens when I step on the scales tomorrow morning for my weekly weigh in. There is a limit to how long I can tolerate my phone telling me I am obese.