A.G.A.I.G DAY 142

The day started with Isadora and fruit tea on the patio after rehanging out my washing from yesterday. I noticed some new flowers and an interesting bug which I caught on camera whilst I was hanging out the washing.

I was later joined for breakfast by the family and I continued to read Isadora. During the morning I booked my Monday stabbing appointment and booked a GP call for the afternoon. I continued to read and before I knew it, it was time to log into an Open Forum for TC workers. A pleasant hour hearing how people were continuing to deal with the lockdown and the new ways of working on the web.

I light lunch with a friend who was visiting my partner before waiting for my GP call. Just after three my GP rang and we had a sensible discussion about a blood test to which she agreed it was a good move and wrote up the form. All I have to do is book an appointment for next week. Pleased that I had sorted that out I changed in to my kit and went off to the shed to clamber up on the bike for forty five minutes. I tough session but worth it I think. Dinner followed after we had waved our guest off.

I started reading Girls, Woman, Other by Bernadine Evaristo which won the Booker Prize in 2019. I am immediately drawn in and think it likely I shall block read this book. I enjoy new voices when I find them. Like most of the new voices I find they come recommended by friends whose judgement and opinions I trust and value. While in a conference session a while again I was struck by someone who noted that only by participating in as widely diverse group as possible could she hope to be the best person she could be, I think the same about literature, the wider the diversity of writers the more enriched will be my personal universe. That’s the theory, I am curious about how I will test it.

A new voice to enjoy

My evening was also full of The Umbrella Academy, which could become a major watch. The final act of the day to write the blog.