DVT DAYS 152 & 153

Yesterday was a writing day and most importantly it was snail day. I had retreated to the shed to write letters and ponder on ordering another laptop stand for the shed when out of the sky landed a snail. I thought it must have been dropped by a thrush, but no thrush arrived. It looked lifeless, which is probably no surprise, at the very least it must have one hell of a headache. Its shell was intact and covered in debris and cobwebs, but no sign of horns. I continued to write and have phone calls until I noticed the snail was moving. It precariously slithered itself up the electricity cable like a tight rope walker and headed for the shed. I took pity on it and got it to slime its it way on to a piece of cardboard, where it posed for me before I took it to a flower bed. It disappeared off into the undergrowth. Could have been nasty, a philosopher play writer, Aeschylus, got killed by an eagle dropping a turtle from the sky in ancient Greece about 500BC.

The rest if the day was taken with reading Isadora Duncan’s autobiography. An interesting read and a fascinating study in how people construct their own history. She wrote it when she was broke, again, and in the year she died aged fifty.

Today, Saturday, it was a lazy morning during which we organised our usual decorator to come and give us a quote to redecorate the house after the central heating has been re-piped. Then it was back to Isadora and her travels across Europe. By the afternoon Isadora is in Greece building her own Temple. I go to train on the bike for an hour during which Amazon deliver a laptop riser for the shed. So once I have recovered I test the riser in the shed and declare myself pleased.

A long bath while my partner clambered onto the bike and then I started the blog before dinner and picked it up again after the meal. So tonight I shall read and and dip into Stranger Things. Tomorrow is weigh in day and I will see if my changed diet over this week shows any result.