A.G.A.I.G. DAY 136

Today has been a list of stuff: mundane mostly, except for the start when I woke up realising that Isadora Duncan died in the year Virginia Wolf published To The Lighthouse and wondered why, as far as I am aware they never met. So I searched Amazon and found she wrote an autobiography, so I ordered it. After such an interesting start it was always going to go down hill. So I spent the morning in the shed typing up poems, only 65 to go. At lunchtime I hosted my open forum alongside a colleague and then retreated to the shed to write the notes up. I felt mildly crap all day and it was an effort to get changed to do forty minutes on the bike. Apart from the weekly Tesco order check and the usual chores like putting clothes away there was not much to my life. My evening hit rock bottom when I found myself watching football and cutting my toe nails at the same time out of boredom. The most joyous thing in the day was a picture a friend sent me of what her children were doing with the play edition of “Who Gives a Crap” toilet rolls. They come in bulk and the play edition have bright design wrappers on each roll which can be used to build things like castles. Its a genius idea and I am wondering what other products could have play versions. The pretty covered toilet rolls from “Who Gives A Crap” make the cute koala on ours seem really passé. So on that note I am going to raid the cupboard for a snack as I am hungry and take myself to bed. Actually I am still pissed off with my oncologist, I seem to be making all the effort to try and keep myself well and fight my end and he just doesn’t give any sign of recognising that and even worse not willing to support me by giving me the means to get the feedback which would help me know if what I am doing is working for me.

Its all ocean