A.G.A.I.G. DAY 135

Today has been a day of domesticity, a day of mundane tasks that keep the world going, that provides. So by the end of the day my washing is done and hung, MOTs booked, garden watered and trimmed, dinner cooked and cleared, and new ice hockey shirt worn.

Oh almost forgot, dead bird removed from pond before attending an open forum for therapeutic community clinicians.

The best part of the day was taking the time to take pictures of some of the flowers that are still coming out in the garden.

It never ceases to amaze me that my garden goes on and on blooming throughout the year with such spectacular beauty.

My evening post meal gave me time to read an e-letter from a friend and watch some football before writing the blog. In the midst of the mundane there was no time to train, so tomorrow I will give myself a new target and push on a bit. I’ve eaten no sweets for two days now, which is a feat for me, so I find myself distracting myself to avoid the sweets I have stashed away. Its a part of the battle to get my weight down and to not feed my cancer with more sugar than I can help.