DVT DAYS 142 & 143

A.G.A.I.G. DAYS 117 & 118

Tuesday was oncologist day. I had done my home work, got my blood test results in front of me, I had listed my questions and knew what I wanted from him. The arsehole rings 30 minutes after the appointment time, like I haven’t got other things to do. The exchange was so brief it border on the indecent pre ejaculation of a teenager in a hurry, it went like this; “Hello Roland (marks for getting my name right) how are you? (not waiting for a response), your dehydrated you need to drink more water, I’ll ring you again in four months and send you a blood test form. Me; “I ‘d like blood test forms in the interim to monitor my PSA and my now elevated potassium levels”. He who has made a pact with the Devil, ” No I will send you one ,see you GP, its up to him, drink more water and your kidneys will take care of the potassium, goodbye.” It was that quick. I know I am, in prostate cancer terms, a star pupil and that he is probably busy but the rapidity of the interaction must be a record. The inly time this bastard is going to be interested in me ,(and no then as a person) is when I am on the way down and “medic meat”. Then he will try any thing to keep me alive in any bloody condition. I was left feeling that I am in this on my own, which his existentially true, but in terms of feeling that I have any sort of ally in the medical team, forget it. That coloured my Tuesday and frankly I coudl not be arsed with a blog.

Today has been much better. An early call from a friend started the day well and then a productive morning in the shed was a lift from yesterday. Before I escaped to the shed my eldest daughters belated birthday present arrived, an Olympic lifting weights bar. They weigh the same but the grip is a slightly smaller diameter to accommodate a full hand grip. I think the deliver guy was a bit bemused by the long tube that weighed so much. By lunch time I was ready for todays Open Forum which turned out to be an interesting hour.

I headed for the garden and put in some edging round along one bed. Content with my effort I got ready to train. I did an hour on the bike and remembered to drink a load of water as I did it. I would not want the oncologist to be disappointed would I. I complete my session, pack up the shed, and clear the kitchen before turning my attention to the blog. Tonight Brentford will try to overturn a one nil deficit to Swansea to win the promotion semi final. I am not hopeful and fear a night of disappointment.