A.G.A.I.G. DAY 126

Today is my eldest daughter birthday so it was up early, breakfast and off to the tropical bird garden just outside the village. It was a treat she asked for and we soon got in to the swing of things finding birds to photograph and to feed. There are birds who are gentle and will gently take a grape or a peanut from you but others are over anxious and will lunge at the food and often miss. The hornbeam who I offered a grape to was of the latter type. We dispersed our bags of food around the birds we meet and the odd goat. Then a real treat we went to the café and sat socially distanced as we ate and drank. Then it was home time.

Chicks of the future

Home and I find a pile of Amazon boxes for me. Mostly indulgencies, cook books and a new watch strap. So an afternoon of setting up my new DBA radio and fixing a new watch strap until it was time for a TEAMS meeting and some discussions about future work. A useful meeting, they mostly are, but this one meant I need do nothing extra for a while. Meeting over we work our way to the birthday dinner and the opening of presents. By the time we get through this my youngest daughter WhatsApp’s us for a chat that sees us all dive into different rooms to avoid the chronic feedback on the phones. A good chat, and then we settled into our evenings. before bed. Tomorrow is my oncologist three monthly call so I’ve been rereading some of my cancer books tonight. The more I read the less comforted I feel, but I have nothing to ask the oncologist. The more I read the more I know how the dye is caste.