My latest blood results are in and they are a pain. The good news is that my PSA is still 0.2 and that my kidney functions are stable as before but my potassium level is up 1.1 to 5.4 and outside the normal range. Means my body is not processing potassium out and dumping it in my blood, which is not good. So I am spending my time learning low potassium foods, what I can and cannot eat. I’ve been downloading nhs diet sheets and reading potassium information. If I cannot reduce my potassium then the medics will want to give me potassium binders. More shit medication. So diet first is my chosen option. I’ve also been in the bike for a while hoping that I will have dropped weight at tomorrows weekly weigh in..

So another interesting day. In the midst of this I mended my daughters laptop that seemed to have mislaid its hard drive. A bit of IT surgery and the laptop recovered to full health. The rest was just domestic tidying and preparation for Monday.