A.G.A.I.G DAY 117

Saturday and the house is full. This means bacon sandwiches I do not have to negotiate and the smell of baking in the house. We briefly visited the garden centre and came away with more plants, an oil spray and a rotary cheese grater. Oh yes, I almost forgot yet another Wired Fish jumper. Of course this meant a lot of time in the garden.

It is a strange but true fact that bumble bees hibernate and they do so in my hanging baskets that I leave out over the winter. This means that as I emptied the old ones to replant them several very sleepy bees emerged from the loam. The up shot of this is that we now have six newly planted hanging baskets and one which is a permanent bee dormitory. Of course the bees do not know this and are likely to choose whatever hanging basket they fancy but at least this years late risers are all in the same place, except of course the ones I missed.

There is little else of note except Brentford managed to blow their chance of automatic promotion to the premier league by losing to Stoke of all teams, and I trained again for 45 minutes on the bike. But the highlight was the lemon drizzle cake that was made and eaten for pudding with coffee after the evening meal. The juice of three lemons and the zest of two certainly made it zingy. In fact is was so “zingy” that at times it so contracted our mouths that we appeared to be doing goldfish impersonations. It was smoothed a little by the addition of ice cream. We have half of of this delight to go tomorrow!