A.G.A.I.G. DAY 85

Today has been a day of bits and piece. From the mundane chore of doing a weekly wash to the AGM of the The Consortium of Therapeutic Communities. The usual start to the day and then a spell in the shed to write letters before I download my meeting papers and start to read in preparation. It’s the usual stuff, agenda, reports from the chair and the treasurer, and a strategic development plan. By the time the meeting is opened I Am up to speed and in my best Zoom T shirt and headset.

Two hours of following the details, doing the standard business and entering into the discussions and then it is over for another year or so. Free of et meeting I sort out my dried washing and get dressed to go the post box to send my letters. Back home I watch some pretty dull German football before reorganising my office bag, and take a call from a friend who has been wrestling with a recalcitrant toilet seat that will not unscrew. Dinner next and then an evening of The Last Kingdom, more slash and burning Danes and Saxons. Finally, the bin goes out, the car comes in and I sit to write the blog before bed.