A.G.A.I.G DAY 66

Its Sainsburys day, first thought, actually it wasn’t. My first thought was about the fat partridge of a dawn that had woken me up and what I was missing. It’s a thought that I filed away for later use once I had had breakfast and a shower. Having done both and opened the greenhouse up for the day I got ready for the 9 o’clock meeting with the EE team to discuss a colleague’s output for this week’s theme; Leadership. The meeting went well, light and shade, nothing outstanding so we did the business and wound it up at 10 o’clock as other had more meetings. Its my turn next week to do Safety. I expect I will think up something suitable or not by next week.

I head for the garden and start to mow the front garden lawn and then to weed the front flower bed. What a pain that was. It hasn’t been done since the now deceased Brain did it at the back end of last autumn, grass and weeds everywhere. So, I grovel around with trowel and bucket and yank out the invading forces. By the time I had finished I was knackered or at least my knees were. Time for a soup lunch with my now getting stale homemade bread. I had barely finished and it was time for my next meeting.

I listen to service managers talk about their COVID experience and exchange views and ideas. A good hour apart from my feelings about people who eat on screen during a meeting. They are just incapable of managing their food intake and work but that’s a judgement borne out of the belief that they do not value the experience (me) enough. Either that or they just fucking ignorant and have no emotional intelligence at all and have no idea how repulsive it is to watch someone fork in mouthfuls of fodder and then masticate bovine fashion for all to see. What about all those people with eating disorders who would find the experience traumatic? No empathy, just thoughtless.

I write up my notes of the forum and eat the last six jelly beans from Christmas and wash then down with a coke, sitting on the garden swing seat. I ponder the sprouting sun flower seeds in their fibre pots and decide to re pot them in to bigger pots but on inspecting them find they have put roots through the bottom of the pots. Nothing else to do but plant them in the garden as soon as possible. Four the next hour or so I plant sun flower pots in the garden.

Tired from my exertions I retreat to the shed and in a moment of curiosity I squeeze some burnt umber acrylic onto the pallet and before I know what I am doing I am scraping/scratching and moving the paint on the small canvas. Too much paint, will not go back in tube so start a second canvas board. I’m in shock, that’s enough for one day, time to let it dry and head indoors for blog and dinner. Its tuna pasta day as its my partners singing lesson tonight, but the tutor has cancelled so I’ve a quiet evening tonight. Time to walk.