A.G.A.I.G DAY 57

It is a day that starts in a strange way. I get up and find plants in the kitchen. My partner has been out for her early walk and has cleared the village cooperative out of plants. One daisy plant and thirty petunias sit waiting. After my usual breakfast I head for the shed and set it up. Then I face the conundrum of where to plant thirty petunias. I have a quick look round and decide to take on the patio area where the flowers that had wintered were now seriously gone over and some of the pots were host to dead twigs. So, I set to and empty pots and planters and replant them with the new ones. This took me most of the morning and still I have new plants to find homes for. I move to the front garden and empty more pots and the odd hanging basket. The rest of the new plants go into the front garden. My garden goes on producing new blooms and providing beauty at every turn.

Time for lunch and my partner makes me a ham sandwich and grapes, which we eat together on the patio, where we are joined by our eldest daughter. Lunch over and I open my post which consists of some LAN connectors and a letter from an old friend and colleague. I long chatty letter that takes me time to read a real pleasure. I check my work e-mails and find that I have work that I need to do for an hour. What is required is a summary of my work from April 2019 to the end of March 2020. An interesting period of my life that includes kidney failure, dialysis in Jamaica, an air ambulance home and then a raft of tests that ends up with me having cancer. Then of course there was the chemo therapy, so all in all a crap tax year, topped of with a DVT. Surely the tax man must owe me money!

Time for a walk, so off I go on my garden to garden walk for over an hour. Its hot today and I fix up a drinks bottle to see me through. I find four bags of compost have been delivered in the porch and need to be humped to the garden. I close up the shed and the greenhouse and retreat in doors. I tidy the kitchen and put out the bins for tomorrow while my partner rings her mother and then goes of to do yoga. Soon it is my turn to go and do yoga. I struggle so I know that I need to find a gentler session to do. Something that eases me into it more demanding routines. My shoulders are stiff and my right side pulls painfully. So gentle is the watch word at the moment.

Dinner is taken in front of the TV while I start the blog but it will soon be time for The A Word, a beautifully written and acted series about a family with young people on the autism spectrum. It is a pleasant interlude before the late evening news with its depressing stream of COVID related stories, speculations and encouragements. It looking to be hot tomorrow so I will spend most of my day on the garden. Growing and writing seem to be my major ways of coping.