A.G.A.I.G. DAY 51

Up early with the knowledge that today I have a video to make. The plan was to get it done and out there so I could get on with other things. All went well, a first take that I was happy with apart from the last tongue-tied element. I thought that cutting the end off would be easy. How wrong could I be. Nothing on any of the systems that I have appeared to be able to do this simple task. What started then was a hunt for suitable software that would do the job. I trialled a couple of packages but they were either clumsy or in comprehensible. I finally settled on a package and set to trying to get it to do the simple things, I ended up with two versions of the package but eventually managed to lop off the section I needed to. That took me most of the morning and by the time I got it off to colleagues to view it was time to join the TC open forum.

Todays Open Forum had 17 people join it and I thought my colleague who was hosting it did splendidly well in holding it all together on TEAMS which is a pretty poor platform for this kind of work. During the forum I manage to slip in an advert for a virtual conference that is to take place in November. I have foolhardily said I would help curate the third day, which will focus on the Criminal Justice System, so this is a group who could contribute.

The November Virtual Conference Flyer

The forum over I pick up a couple of e-mails and then I get ready to walk. Today I walk for an hour twenty minutes, and it feels like I am beginning to make some head way toward some sort of fitness again. All I can do is persist, not expect too much of my self and be patient. I finish my walk and retreat to the shed with a drink and cook down for a while, by the time I am ready to return to the house I am quite cold. I change, clear the kitchen and then settle down in front of the TV and begin to write the blog. My evening will see me eat chilli, write the blog and prepare for tomorrow. I have a rare sojourn into the real world to have a blood sample taken. It’s a full day with a meeting at 9, blood sample at 10:15 and a forum at 1 o’clock. It doesn’t sound much when looked at cold but with all the faffing, fannying and farting about that attends all these activities it will be a full day. In the midst of all this there will be a Sainsbury’s deliver to take in. I am looking forward to Friday when I can spend time in my garden and nurture the dahlias and the seeds that have been delivered this week.