DAY 50

This is an interesting day. I get up, have breakfast and head for the shed. My intention was to make a couple of videos for work but one of my neighbours decided to get his power jack hammer drill our and construct something in his garden. No chance of me recording anything in the shed so I settle down to write a couple of notices to the accompaniment of power tools going full blast.  Eventually I give in and settle down to write a letter. So by the time lunch comes around I am feeling under achieving and vaguely homicidal. Beans on toast sees me right and I return to the shed.

The neighbour has fallen silent, I maliciously hope he is attending A&E with a non-minor laceration. I asset the shed up to video. Not easy but I eventually get my best look and slip into a real shirt, a floral shirt. I reasoned that of I was inviting people to a forum one needs to look partially respectable, even in lockdown. The fact that I was wearing my Mr Pepper Pig lounge pants would be my private satisfaction. I have several attempts at a two-minute advert until I finally get something passable. By the time I get it finished I’ve had enough for one day. Its walk time.

I change into my walking gear and set my i-pod to Rammstein, loud. So, for an hour I walk my gardens from back to front. I range across a number of fantasies and have at least two conversations with myself until the hour comes around. Having had to edge past the hedge during the walk I took the shears to it and filled the garden recycle bin before putting it out for collection. Being on a roll I dissemble the cardboard art instillation that has developed in the hall way and box it up for the recycle collectors tomorrow. My bin duties done I finally get to change out of the walking clothes and check my e-mails. Dinner time comes around, which was very welcome.

My friend rings and we chat about the day and the intricacies of organising a daughters birthday party. I am left alone as the rest of the household disappear to bathe and work so I get to start on the blog sat on the sofa.

I am tired and I am twitchy about not knowing what my cancer is doing. I need to book a blood test and check my PSA level. As the world worries about COVID-19 I wonder what my invisible invader is doing to me and whether the stiff legs and aching back are related to it. It is very easy to fall into the story of being a vulnerable person isolating and living out a structured lifestyle. Too easy in fact. It was the result of one of the conversations I had with myself when walking. In fact it was a conversation with my transitional cancer fighter, Rocket. I ended up having a conversation with him about how the battle was going and he noted I was a bit distracted lately and where was my latest blood results. Bingo, I realised I had stop paying attention to the important issue. I’m back on track now.