A.G.A.I.G. DAY 44

Its been a strange day of “bits”, some a delight and some irritating diversions. Having got up and found my partner had already taken her morning constitutional I prepared my breakfast. In the back ground my partner was busily chatting away to work colleagues. I ate breakfast watching the TV pump out more COVID-19 news, by the end of my muesli I was beginning to experience a head ache and a bit of a dip pin mood. My conclusion is that COVID 19 TV cover is a virus in its own right. So  turning off the source of infection I feed the fish and fill my drugs wallet for the week. Then I am off to the shed to do something calming. I open the green house and settle into a morning of writing letters. I intermittently adjust the pond solar fountain to get the best effect. To my amazement the dead pond fountain in the bucket springs into life, I am coming to the conclusion that solar power is not the most reliable form of renewable energy.

The post man calls at about the same time as the meal deliveryman drops off our two posh meals for the week. In a blink of an eye Amazon man also delivers a couple of packets with my name on. Two packets when I am expecting one. The first one contains the external DVD disc drive I was expecting but the second is a mystery. I open it not sure what to expect and find it is a book and a gift from a friend with whom I correspond. The cover is striking and immediately makes me want to read it. But it will have to wait as I have some e-mails to deal with and a meeting to prepare for.

The cover is Francisco Goya’s Saturn Devouring His Son.

Lunchtime is close when a delivery arrives and turns out to be the refurbished HP Elite note book that we ordered for my eldest daughter. We are excited and open the package immediately. We write down the software activation code, plug the power cable in and switch on. Nothing, just a brightish screen showing the power is on but bugger all else. We try again, nothing again. Nothing for it but to ring the help line number that has come with the instructions.  Due to COVI-19 they only people the phones at certain hours and the earliest we can talk to them is 2pm. Now it is time for me to join the open forum on Zoom that I am part of.

I sit in on my the forum and then chat to the host afterwards and promise to write a brief suggestion paper. I return to the refusenik laptop and ring the support number, it rings, it goes dead, I ring again, it goes dead again and so it goes on for several minutes until I’ve had enough. I know that these laptops are easy to get into as they only have a single latch on the back. No pesky screws to deal with. The back pops open and it is obvious what the problem may be. One of the RAM cards is not in the RAM slot properly. I pop the card out and replace it properly and put the cover back onto the laptop. Power on and the machine springs to life! Go me I am a hero. The rest was just doing the set process and bingo the laptop is tip top.

Back to the shed to write a thank you card to my surprise present friend and to start to draft my promised brief proposal. I get this all done and return to the laptop to load Windows Office using the external disc drive that arrived today. All went well, mission accomplished. Time to slow down, I read the first essay in the surprise book and I am hooked. Soon tea is ready. So, tonight I am treating myself to read more essays, write and post the blog. What I notice is the lack of exercise and the effect that it is having on me so apart from the open forum I host tomorrow and my early morning meeting I am going to focus on doing some exercise. As the bank holiday Friday approaches, I ‘m going to have an exercise weekend and win the weekend Fibit challenge.