A.G.A.I.G DAY 28

Getting up after a poor night’s sleep I sort out breakfast and have the joy of doing the crosswords in the paper my partner has brought back from her morning pre work walk. This is a rarer joy recently and I take my time over it. However all things come to an end and I headed out to the shed to set up my office as I had a days work of writing Enabling Environment stuff to do. I made a start and broke off at ten o’clock to self-stab. I am evermore grateful to the DVT doctor for moving me onto a tablet medication, the prescription just has to arrive and we can sort that out. Release is in my grasp I just need to be patient.

I return to the shed and get my head down to write a document and to design some planning tools. At some point I return to the house so that I can get on the internet to send materials off. When I am in the midst of doing this my Amazon order arrives. It is a bicycle pump and I cannot resist seeing if it works. It does and my eldest daughter is now able to set about learning her new circus skill.


Lunch time comes around and we all find ourselves in the kitchen watching soup warm up, when out of the blue another Amazon package arrives for my partner, I am intrigued. It turns out to be wide brimmed floppy hat with a Velcro see through brim! It a kind of cough and sneeze guard of large proportions, I of course had to try it on. I may well wear it when I finally emerge from isolation riding a unicycle!

The BPS bulletin says that COVID 19 may cause a wave of obsessional behaviours

I return to the shed and write more stuff, and more stuff, and yet more stuff. Every so often I return to the house to send to a colleague. By five o’clock I am done and decide to look at what I need to claim from the RCP for the work I’ve done this month. I discover it is all in bits and pieces and not easy to put together in solid days or half days so I am on the hunt for a time sheet that I can use. In a brief moment of WiFi I discover that there are Apps that will do this. My task tonight is to find and down load an app and get myself up to date. That and completing the blog that it appears I can only access from one of my laptops. If that goes down I am knackered. So fingers crossed I return to the house to complete my day, which will include the next episode Killing Eve on i-player.