A.G.A.I.G. DAY 22

So Easter is done and its back to office spaces around the house and the shed. My partner returns to her morning walk and I return to the dying laptop. Overnight it has reset and started to talk to me in set up mode, but it is a tease, we get as far as putting a name to the account and a password and it freezes. No option but to start again. So all morning it was resetting and all afternoon installing windows. We have got to the account screen and it has been saying “This will take a moment” for about the last forty minutes. I am steadfastly leaving to its own devices but I think this is terminal organ failure. If this does not work then I will give it a try with a recovery disc that is on the way, but if that fails the machine gets junked.

So today I have been in and out of the shed as I’ve tended to the dying laptop. In this time I have been able to write my daily letter, and to fill in my new web password journal. My old one had everything under R for Roland, which worked for one or two entries but has recently become too crowded to be useful, so the new one is strictly in alphabetical order, more or less. Being of a cautious persuasion I only enter partial passwords and identities that are enough for me to recognise.

My garden chore for the day is to prick out and pot up some Cosmos seedlings. The greenhouse is nearly full so I am looking for spaces all over the garden to site the new plants. It is a nice problem to have but the weather forecast says there is going to be a frost tonight and possibly for a few nights so it’s too early to be putting tender young plants into good old mother earth just yet.

So, its been a jigsaw of a day that tends to be typical of my “Shielded” state. I am getting walk and exercise fever. I’ve got things to do that will keep me occupied but I am missing the gym and the ability to walk outside for a reason able time. Tonight I shall wrestle with the laptop and see if I can finally over come the difficulties bit tomorrow I move on and get on with my other work. During today an e-mail popped up telling me that the Ombudsman has finally got the information that they need to investigate our complaint that arose out of my being air ambulanced out of Jamaica just over a year ago. It seems that I am destined to relive the Jamaican experience for a while yet. I think tonight I could do with a good old fashioned mindlessly thoughtless film.