A.G.A.I.G. DAY 20

Day three of the festival and today is all about the garden and finding spaces for the future planting of the seedlings. But first to answer the question of how my night under canvas went. Well to be honest not too good. I had forgotten how constricting a sleeping bag is. I like to “star fish” when I sleep and this is not possible in a bag, especially one that is zipped up to keep the warmth in the bag. So, I was not as comfortable as I could be. It was nice to listen to the distant hoot of owls that I tend not to hear when indoors. By two o’clock in the morning I was feeling cramped and restless and need of a toilet. I held out as long as possible but, in the end, I gave in and went off in search of a toilet. As I wriggled out of the tent, I found the ground wet and cold. So, I snuggled down in the spare bedroom for the rest of the night.

In the morning I still felt quite achy but I got up and opened up the shed and the greenhouse. After breakfast with my partner I set about weeding pots and looking for spaces in the garden to plant all the seedlings that are coming up in the greenhouse. I fix a new trellis to the patio wall and tie the climbing rose to it and tidy up vine that is now growing again. Once done I return to tiding the pots and beds, all the time looking for new spaces to grow vegetables in.

I take a nap in the tent and get woken up by my partner bringing me a light lunch. With renewed energy I start to renovate some baskets for climbing beans and peas. I notice that the pond has tadpole activity in it and that there is a resident frog. It turns out that there are three frog’s resident and more tadpoles than I realised. This is beyond my hopes for the pond when we first put it in during autumn last year. It appears we have been successful in creating a suitable ecosystem.

One of our resident frogs
Some of our new tadpoles.

By late afternoon I am tired and resort to doing my nails, hand and foot, not a simple task since chemo. My thickened and cycle ridged nails are difficult to make comfortable and it is a task that I undertake as a sort of biological DIY task. Once done I inspect them and find that they are beginning to look more normal, like all things biological its going to take time to get back to a semblance of normality.  

Dinner time and therefore its time to close up the shed, zip up the tent and close up the greenhouse. All done its time to eat and write the blog. As the weather begins to change the garden will have to look after itself for a couple of days while I go back to trying to refurbish and old laptop. Its guts have been laying around on the table for days now while I went “Festival” so now I need to apply myself and return the table to the rest of the family.

My Silver Savvy jigsaw.
