DAY 17

Today has been a busy day full of things to stretch my brain. There were nice surprises like the letter from a friend which was a delight to read and savour as I worked in the garden shed. I was up early and kick started myself with a shower and bacon sandwich breakfast before retreating to the shed to write note cards to people. There are a group of people who I am not sure are still living at the address I have for them, or indeed still alive. I have sent them cards with my details on so they can reply if they wish. In the meantime, I shall be continuing to write to my regulars.

Of course at ten o’clock I took time out to self inject but today was the first day of the new 15000 units injections. I’ve a month of these to go and then I’m not sure what happens, either more 1500s or a reduced dose.

The good news is that my partners mother who had a fall last night is okay, bruised but okay. She is getting additional pain relief from her GP so hopefully with rest she will back to doing back flips pretty soon.

I spent my morning writing cards and reading my letter which prompted me to send emergency poetry to my friend. By lunchtime I was ready to do a practice run for the afternoons reflective group. The technology that we are using is tricky to use to facilitate the space we want to put together but we got the practicalities more or less right. So, when the actual forum took place, I was able to work my way through it. The practicalities of the session were a challenge but the content was what I expected and the progression through the session was as I thought it might go. It was hard work but the content was well worth the effort. The team reviewed the session and we planned to continue the next set of sessions. I retreated to the garden shed and wrote up my session notes. That’s not something I’ve done for a while so it was interesting when it got to the personal reflection section.

So having got to the end the work day I went in search of my partner who I find having a nap due to a headache, I joined her and had a nap myself for an hour. When I woke up I found it was time to clear the kitchen and to start dinner. While my gastronomic concoction was bubbling away in the oven I went to pack the shed up for the night, close up the greenhouse and bring my washing in off the line. Time also to have a call with a friend and catch up on plans.

Dinner and then Two Popes. A film that turned out to be rather touching. So now its blog time and transition into the Easter four-day weekend. My plan is to put the tent up in the garden and go “FESTIVAL”.

One thought on “AS GOOD AS IT GETS PHASE DAY 17

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