DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) DAY 18


So today I wake earlier than usual and find my partner has gone out for her morning walk. It is time to clear away a space for the plumber to service he now dodgy boiler. So, I clear the cupboard out and put in the bucket, sheet and inspection light. That’s my part done; with luck I will not even see him as I will be in the garden shed. My partner returns and finds me on the phone to the GP surgery. I am due to have my 28-day injection on Monday at the GP surgery but I am not supposed to go out. The receptionist is a bit nonplussed and goes off to talk to the doctor .The outcome is that I am to be driven to the GP surgery and parked in the car park and then my partner will  go inside to book me in and then when the nurse is ready I will be ushered in and seen to. Well that’s one issue sorted out.

Next I am trying to get through to Sainsburys again to get a delivery slot. No chance but at least there is some advice for those of us who are “Shielded” but not recognised yet by Sainsburys. I am referred to a UK gov site where I can register. I eagerly do as I am told and register quietly proud that I now know my nhs number of by heart. I get registered and fit all the criteria so now I have to wait. Apparently, the information will not be shared till next week and Sainsburys will contact me. So, I need to have patience and wait for the wheels of cyberspace to turn. I will not starve, so there is no need to panic especially as I am trying to lose weight.

Before retreating to the shed I order flowers for my daughter in law in Sweden. I contacted my son to let him know and found that he and the family were self-isolating for a fortnight due to one of them appearing to have some sort of cold. What I did not realise is that Sweden is not in lock down even though the countries around them are. My son tells me that the cafes, restaurants and general areas are all open and being thronged. Part of me is glad that the family have isolated themselves.

With some tasks done its time for me to retreat to the garden shed and to set up my home from home. I have decided to write at least one letter a day, hopefully more. I have dug out my address book and will write to everyone I have an address for and of course I shall write more to my regular correspondents. I have reams of writing paper that I have recently acquired so I am looking forward to the process. My fear is that I descend into narcistic and boring self-reflection, but I trust my friends and those that care for me to tell me. It is a pleasant experience and I had a moment of feeling like a Bronte in a garden writing those now famous letters. I have several volumes of letters either as collections or specific collections from one or two authors. The letters of Van Goth to his brother are a fascinating read. I might well re-read these as I recently visited the Van Goth interactive exhibition, which reminded me of what a fascinating character he was.

Van Goth’s bedroom

My letter for the morning is going well when I become aware that the plumber is in the house, so I leave my partner to deal with him. He had text’d me to say he was arriving in twenty minutes and that he would be keeping to the social distance protocols. A good man. When he finished, he gave me a wave and shouted “See you on the other side”, which is what the Jamaican nurses used to say to me as they waved me off in the ambulance after dialysis.  Ironic as this time last year the medics were trying to decide when to give me my pre flight dialysis. We now have a working boiler all without any human contact so we can sit tight and bathe now.

A bite for lunch and then it was on with the work clothes so that I can mow the grass. It is a lovely sunny day and the smell of the new mown grass is a delight. It makes me tired but the effort is well worth it. I think it is going to change tomorrow and we will be back to the slightly chill weather. By the end of the afternoon I am sweating like a pig and have to sit down and rest for a while. Of course, I check my mail and find that I have some Enabling Environment queries to answer so as I sit to recover, I draft a reply. My daughter goes of to do her one period of exercise for the day and takes my letter of the day to post. I crack on and pack away the things that I moved this morning. What was nice was being able to pack my new computer tool box, so that I now have all my computer tools and bits and pieces in a single tool box. Have computer box will travel, well not quite yet.

My evening will be writing the blog and listening to my partner having her virtual singing lesson. Her resourceful singing teacher is quite a character and very creative hence the skype singing lesson. Tomorrow I have early calls to make and then two ZOOM meetings to do, so Friday is going to be busy.