DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) DAY 10

DAY 72

I think my body is trying to avoid being injected. It woke up at gone 10 o’clock today so that the first thing I had to do was self stab. Once that was over it was time for breakfast and a trip with my partner to the garden centre to buy meat from the butchers there. While we were at it we also got vegetables. So we are no stocked for a while. Feeling pleased with ourselves as hunter gatherers we celebrated with hot chocolate and Panini’s.

While in a wining mood we decided to go to Sainsburys to convert the euros that never got taken to Spain back into good old English pounds so that we could squander it on things like bread and eggs in these difficult times. While there we toured the aisles out of curiosity really but picked up the odd pack of dishwasher tablets and washing powder tablets. By pure chance we arrived at the toilet roll aisle just as a callow youth was unloading a pallet of toilet rolls onto the shelf. Poor lad had no chance. I doubt a single packet made it to the shelves. He is probably receiving treatment for PTSD or a recurring nightmare of being swamped by a swarm of locusts. Anyway we came away with an unexpected bonus of toilet rolls. We got our booty home as soon as possible and my partner squirreled the provisions away.

The nightmare that is corona virus
The imagined saftey of sufficency

To my delight my new mother board for my laptop arrived, but before I could get to work on it I had a work Zoom conference to attend. My colleagues and I discussed what our response should be to the corona virus outbreak in relation to our Enabling Environment work. I am to draft a note for prisons to share with my colleagues as soon as possible. I had a brief chance to wish a friend happy birthday before tea and then  I rang my sister for a long chat about how we are both surviving being in the “elderly “ at risk group. I think I would sum it up as so far so good. I did not feel like facing the rigours of putting a laptop back together so my partner and I reviewed our updated civil partnership album and gave the thumbs up to the photographers.

Tomorrow everyone in the house is working from home the schools are soon to close and the county council is enforcing working from home for all those staff who can. The whole situation has a Kafka like feel to it. The world feels like the Kafka castle and my position feels like the creature in Metamorphosis as I turn from man into a giant insect left to die in a room. These are strange times, I feel a T shirt coming on.

These are strange times
Another at risk group self isolating.


  1. Diane says:

    I find your phrases such as “Fuck off and die” strangely life affirming. We need your blog in these strange times…….

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