DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) DAY 9

DAY 71

Today the net around me tightens as the over 70s with medical conditions are advised to hide away and to take their families with them. I am not chuffed and resent being written off as a risk and something to be ordered out of site with no realistic way of fulfilling my needs. So I try to ignore the mass anxieties and try to make reasonable rational decisions.

Has it happens today there are some chores to be done so it is up for breakfast and then the daily self stabbing. Once that was over there was some domestic things to be done but I was waiting for a delivery which a text had alerted me to. I was hoping that it was my computer parts but as the suggested delivery time came and went I began to doubt myself. Eventually I went into the tracking site and found that it had been delivered at 10:45 and signed for. Looking at the signature it was possible to work out that it was probably something that I had paid for as a present to my youngest daughter. She confirmed later that the item had arrived but she had not signed for it, so the signature had been forged that was on the delivery tracking system.

Once lunch was over my partner and I sat down with the new i phone and the instructions that we had written down at the phone shop. The biggest and trickiest bit was getting the SIM card out of the old phone and into the new one. Having achieved the basics we hooked up the new phone to the power and the cloud and set the controls for the heart of the sun (Yes reference), and to our surprise the whole process went smoothly. After a short time the phone pinged and said it was ready. I rang it and sure enough it responded. All that was left to do was put on the screen protector and pop it into the new case. Job done.

So while on a roll we sat down to edit the civil partnership album from the photographer. We found several areas of it that we wanted to have changed and duly notated the pages and sent them back to the photographers. We will wait to see what happens. So time for more food and an evening of blogging and some TV. I’m looking forward to bed as last night I slept well due to the fact that we remade the bed and put the bedding on the bed the right way round. Surprisingly making a small change has made a big difference to the comfort of the bed and the quality of sleep.