DAY 69

This day started as usual with breakfast, e mails and a self stabbing at 10 o’clock. the appointed hour. The day starts well but somehow the day loses it shine when it comes to injection time. As I said the actual self injection is not the issue it is the not knowing how it is going to go. Some days it goes very smoothly without any discomfort, however today it was not like that. Today it was painful apart from the sting of the drug which is usual this time it was painful as if the needle entered something other than the pinched fat. I have no idea why this should be but it is just how it is. It always takes me a moment to gather myself together before continuing on with whatever it was that I was doing before the stabbing. That’s how it was today. Fortunately on this day the Sainsbury’s delivery arrived to distract me. No toilet roles of course, or hand sanitizer, limited cleaning products and a replacement  peanut butter laced with salt and sugar.

No Toilet Rolls in the Sainsbury’s delivery of course!

So after a relatively slow start I take a second look at the now dead laptop that is waiting for me to contrive a Lazarus moment. I have a solution but not until this coming Wednesday, so I tidy and tinker. In a moment of enthusiasm I try to download the photos from my partners i phone. In the ensuing process I managed to create a back up of the phone on the computer but have no idea where the computer has hidden it. Then I managed to down load the photos into a preloaded file. I thought all had gone well until I started to check the contents of the sub-files. I do not know if it is the nature of i phones or my system but I found the files full of photos from my files as well as the phone. For three hours I tried to untangle them, sort them and refine them. At every turn I was thwarted and found myself deleting the same photos over and over and then found photos had turned up in already cleared files. I gave up and deleted the whole file. Maybe I will give it another try, one day, perhaps, maybe…

I started to get messages from friends about corona virus. I share them below for you to make up your own minds about them. I am concerned that according to the media Boris is thinking (difficult to believe) that it is a good idea for all over 70s (that’s me) to stay at home in quarantine for four bloody months while he and his medical gurus flatten the curve. Really? Yes really. I am in theory to become house bound.  This is not viable as I have things to do, for example robbing co op delivery trucks for toilet rolls and tinned food. In these days of empty supermarket shelves a chap cannot sit around and “be at home”, some of us metastatic prostate cancer and DVT suffers have things to do before we die and sitting on our arses at home is not one of them.

This cheered me up no end.

This did not amuse me!

“From an entirely disinterested economic perspective, COVID-19 might even prove mildly beneficial in the long term by disproportionately culling elderly dependents”

writes @JeremyWarnerUK business writer for the @Telegraph.

My GP sent me a survey by phone. I am due to go for a blood sample tomorrow morning and the practice was checking I was not going to infect them all with anything. If I was a tad off well what would they do, come to the house to collect my blood? I think not. Madness in the guise of common sense will take us all.
A truly british response that also cheered me up.

I also decided to stop fooling around and looked at refurbished laptops. To my surprise I found it was possible get a good HP notebook with 8 Gb of RAM, a 1 Terabyte SSD run on Windows 10 with a lifelong licence for Windows Office for less than £300. Now that’s a bargain and its warranted for a year. After all if I am to be confined I need to have something to take to bits now that IT has become the new elder person’s jigsaw.

So tonight is spent warming my leg, writing the blog and half watching TV.